Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcome Home Andrew!

He's home! Although it still doesn't seem real. And we are in for quite the adjustment! We just completed our first feed and got ready for the night with both and the process involved mixing two types of fortified breast milk, preparing bottles for the night, drawing up and giving meds, changing diapers (twice for Paige since she pooped immediately after the first change) and changing into sleepers, feeding them both, burping, reacting to Paige's monitor about 4 times since the leads kept coming loose, and getting them both to sleep and moved upstairs to their bassinets.  It was quite the production!

Paige is still laying there, wide awake since its nighttime.  She seems to have day and night mixed up, which is just wonderful... The NICU team today told us that their graduates often sleep during the day when there is background noise since that is what they are used to and are awake at night when it is silent.  We are going to try background noise with tv and music tonight to see if that helps.  Otherwise, Jack and I alternate every other feed to respond to her cries and continually replace her pacifier.  It is so not fun in the middle of the night.  And Paige's pediatrician today told us this will likely take several weeks to get better. Lovely!

Speaking of her pediatrician, we like her so far.  She is pretty laid back, which I guess is good.  And she was happy with Paige's progress so far.  She still hasn't hit the 5 pound mark, but she's close!  Andrew will go to see her on Wednesday for his first visit, too.

Here are a couple pics of Andrew's trip home:

VERY ready to go home!

Tucked in and ready for the cold!

Front door pic...just like Paige:)

Being home with both of them tonight is so wonderful.  We can finally relax and not worry about one or both of them being at the hospital.  We don't have to wake up to call in to check on them or stress about who their nurse is going to be for the next shift.  I can simply roll over tonight and check on both of them myself.  It's amazing.  Here they both are heading to bed in their bassinets in our room:

Sleeping side-by-side

Tomorrow will be the first day that we haven't had to leave our house in so long.  Jack has been traveling every day to the hospital since I was admitted on October 4th.  Tomorrow we will be hanging out in our pajamas all day...just the four of us:)


  1. hooray! i'm so happy for all of you! congrats!

  2. Hope all's so far so good! I am SO HAPPY that they are both finally home!
