Saturday, November 6, 2010

Making Some Progress

We've had a good couple of days and it feels like we are finally making some progress (knock on wood)!  Both Paige and Andrew are advancing their feeds and have each gained a little weight.  Paige is obviously way ahead of Andrew and may even reach her goals by tomorrow evening!  She is also due to finish her course of antibiotics tomorrow night.  If all of this goes according to plan, we may discontinue her IV nutrition and take out her PICC on Tuesday.  That would be huge!

Both of them also had their caffeine discontinued today.  This will take several days to leave their system and we will see how they do with their bradys/apneic episodes later next week.  Before going home, each of them will have an extended apnea study to determine whether they will need home monitoring.  We are crossing our fingers that they pass this test.  But if not, we'll manage.

Paige's new routine is to be sleepy all day when we are with her and save her energy for right before we leave at night.  We held her for several hours in total today and she slept each time despite us talking to her and moving her around.  As soon as we pack our bags to leave, she suddenly pops open her eyes and flails her arms and legs around.  This is the second night in a row that she's done this.  It's like she knows and is trying to entice us to stay.  She's manipulating us already:)  But its working, and it makes it even harder to leave at night...

Thanks for checking in on us.  Keep up the good thoughts and prayers.  They seem to be working!

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