Monday, November 8, 2010

Too Good To Be True

We are trying not to get too excited but things are almost going too well.  Everyone had a big day today and we had lots of firsts!

When I got there today, Paige had just finished her first bath and was wearing a shirt for the first time ever!  Its amazing what we get excited about:)  Seeing both of her arms free was fabulous and she can finally get completely swaddled - so nice for her.  She also hit her feeding goal tonight of 30 mL (one whole ounce!) every 3 hours.  We had our daily attempt at breastfeeding and she did much better, too.  So much better that the NP decided we could try her first bottle tonight!  Learning to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing can be difficult and we were forewarned that she would likely stop breathing throughout and not to be alarmed.  Paige was awesome and not only did she take 20 mL on her own but she didn't have one apneic spell during her feed!  She must know this is what she has to do to go home and she's trying very hard to get there...

Paige's First Bottle Feeding

Look how chubby our baby girl is getting!

Andrew is tolerating his feeds like a champ and has made great progress.  He is up to 17 mL every three hours and has to reach a goal of 23.  He finally seems to be ready to eat and he even had a big poop today to make room for this extra volume:)  Since he is doing so well, they have decided to pull his PICC line, too!  This will be done sometime tonight, so we will see both of his arms free tomorrow morning.  This means his first bath and clothes for both tomorrow!  You bet I'm getting there early to see all of this and to bring some cute onesies to wear!

Andrew - tube free for just a minute!

On top of all this excitement, while I was pumping tonight, Jack got to hold BOTH our beautiful babies!  I must admit that I'm a little jealous that I haven't gotten to do this yet, but look how cute they were....

And before they went to bed for the night, we got another quick family photo.

So proud of both Paige and Andrew and cannot believe how far we have already come...