Nothing too exciting to report tonight, although I am happy to say that we had no setbacks today. Andrew is continuing on his small feeds, although they still haven't attempted to increase his volumes, as his belly is still on the larger side and things don't seem to want to move through his gut. Vomiting is definitely less than it has been though. We're just trying to be patient with his slow pace and accept that the process of learning to feed is going to be incredibly frustrating and painful (for us!).
Paige definitely likes her antibiotics and continues to look great. She did get her PICC line placed this afternoon but did great with the procedure. The nurse practitioner told me that they gave her double the dose of sedative normally used and she was still wide awake and fighting. Andrew did this same thing when he got his last week. At least they are fighters! She is back on feeds now and we are steadily increasing them. Before she got sick, she tolerated her feeds great, so we are hoping for a quick increase back to where she was.
Tomorrow morning I will work on getting their nursery ready before I head back to the hospital. Being on bedrest for almost 2 months really set me back in my preparations! Plus, these children are so spoiled already! Their room is completely filled with presents they've received just since they were born! I'll try to post some pics of the nursery tomorrow. I just can't wait for them to come home and sleep in those cribs that have been waiting for them for so long!
Thanks so much for the updates -- I log in late every night to check on you guys and am so grateful when a good day follows a not so good day. Know that there are many of us laughing and crying with you even though you cannot see us. Your ability to deal with this situation with such grace and candor is truly awe-inspiring, those babies are so blessed to have you and Jack as parents. Love you and look forward to seeing you all in your new home soon. Smooches, Suzanne