We are on track for discharge tomorrow at 4:30pm. Andrew's last dose of antibiotics is scheduled for 4:00 and will run for 30 minutes. After that we are out of there! His reflux continues but we finally decided today that his discomfort is worth giving Reglan a chance. He got his first dose this afternoon and we will of course continue it at home. If there is no change by next week, we'll stop it. His diaper rash is mildly improved, too. Our night nurse last night came up with quite the elaborate setup to encourage it to heal. For those of you that are nurses, it's butt blow-by. But this set-up is far more advanced then what we used in my PICU days. Basically, they cut a hole in the buttom part of his diaper. The urine is still targeted to the front of the diaper. They then make a "tunnel" for his stool to direct downwards. His cheeks are up in the air with cream on them and oxygen breezing by. And then, to prevent his tush from getting cold, they have a heat lamp shining down on him. Crazy. Here is a pic in case you don't believe me:)
Healing my diaper rash! |
And here is a picture of how big our guy is getting. He looks so big to us with those new chubby cheeks. Today marked a record 4 pounds 15 ounces!!!
6 weeks old! |
I can't wait for out little ones to be reunited tomorrow night! They must have missed each other...
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