Sunday, December 12, 2010

Enjoying Life at Home

Sorry for the lack of post in two days!  Things have been rather crazy and our time is limited!  We are slowly getting into a routine with the two of them being home and are thoroughly enjoying our days away from the hospital.  We figured out that we had been there every single day since my admission on October 4th.  Crazy, right?!?  Needless to say, we don't miss that place:)

Andrew had his appointment with the new pediatrician on Friday and it went well.  We finally met the pediatrician that was recommended to us in that practice and really liked her! I was relieved when we left just to know that I have a good resource to call....because, well, we can't rely on the NICU folks forever.  They were pleased with how he looked and he weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces!!  We spent a lot of time talking about our management plans and we will go back with both of them next Thursday.  At that visit, Paige will get her shots, blood work, and weight check.  Andrew will just get weighed.  They advised us to do their shots on separate days since they are likely to be a bit more fussy and needy.  Much easier to only deal with one at a time like that!

This week is the week of appointments.  We have the pediatrician appointments Thursday, apnea clinic for Paige at Georgetown tomorrow and ophthalmology follow-ups for both on Wednesday.  Poor babies are going to be exhausted!  But least we'll get them all done and get a little bit of a break for the holidays. 

Here are a couple pictures of them from our relaxing weekend!

Our little guy in all blue!

Paige's funny face (Andrew sleeping in the background)
Time for blogging is up -- babies are crying.  I will blog more and post more pics later.  A couple people have asked me if I will continue the site now that they're home and the answer is yes.  My posts will probably not be daily though, as my free time is pretty much nonexistent at this point.  We also are in a much better place and hopefully won't have much news to report!  I will keep up the site though to share their continued progress as they grow bigger and stronger! 

1 comment:

  1. And the posts are such a great journal for them when they are grown---keep posting! They'll become great memories!
