Life is busy! They are into EVERYTHING and moving EVERYWHERE. We constantly have bumps and bruises from running too fast, banging into things, and of course, temper tantrums where we like to bang our heads on the floor. Well, that's mostly Paige. And that's the fun new stage we're in! But most of the time, they are so fun and we are thoroughly enjoying this new, interactive age. They are understanding more, saying more and doing more each day. It's crazy how fast they change!
Paige in disguise at her cousin Nick's spy birthday party! |
Our cutie - 18 months |
Chit chatting on his "blackberry" |
Our little flirt:) |
All shopped out! |
The best part about Costco - frozen yogurt! |
Paige went back to ENT last Thursday for her tube follow-up appointment. It wasn't exactly what we were hoping for though... She had fluid in both ears, although the right had more and was pretty badly infected. So aggravating. I thought we were getting tubes to avoid fluid and infection! They told us that this isn't too uncommon and that now the tubes give us access to remove the fluid. So we did. And Paige was amazing. She sat perfectly still with tears welding in her eyes and let them suction out both ears. Yet again, she made me so proud:) We are now going to do another week of antibiotic drops and then we'll return for another ENT visit. No point in checking her hearing since there was more fluid, so that will have to wait until the infection and fluid clears.
Andrew went back to the pediatrician for a final weight check Thursday, as well, before his procedure. He had gained a couple ounces...but we still aren't quite where we were in October. So, we go forward. Endoscopy, colonoscopy and biopsy will happen this Thursday, May 10. We were so hoping for enough weight gain and improvement that this wouldn't have to happen, but such is life. The horrible part is that he has to begin a four day bowel cleanse tomorrow and then will only be able to have clear liquids for 36 HOURS before the procedure. Wednesday is going to miserable for our poor, hungry, little guy. Thank goodness Nana is here to help watch him this week. We couldn't possibly send him to daycare with runny poops...not to mention that he would have to watch the other kids eat on Wednesday without being offered any! We've got lots of popsicles, jello and pedialyte and are just hoping to keep him distracted with fun things!
Thanks, Nana, for coming to help! |
I'll be sure to post an update after Thursday - we should get some preliminary results right away from the pictures, although biospy results will take at least a week to come back. Wish us luck!
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