We all laugh about how we have our "wild ginger tank" - that would be Andrew:) And then "perfect Paige." Andrew is so fun, full of life and always on the go. He is constantly running away from you and laughing and then comes back with his mouth wide open for a "kiss." He does have a fiery side though with quite the Irish, red headed temper! Paige will wait her turn to do things, sit still when needed and entertains herself nicely. She has always eaten well, always slept through the night, and is overall a really easy baby. Hence, their nicknames:)
Paige lived up to her reputation on Friday and she was awesome for her ear tubes. She was in a great mood despite being woken up at 5:15am to get ready and leave. She flirted with people in the waiting room and made many friends. She even convinced one of the receptionists to give her presents off her desk! She got into a gown with no problem, took the oral meds like they were candy and laughed when Mommy put on the scrubs, surgical cap and mask to go into the OR with her. As we entered the operating room, I told her that we were going "night night" and she waved to all the doctors and nurses and said "night night" to each of them. She then willingly laid on the operating room table and let them put her mask on. She blinked a couple times and peacefully went to sleep. They had warned me when going in (and I knew) that the kids usually fight and it isn't a "pretty sight" watching them go under. Well, Paige proved them all wrong. I was so impressed by her and so proud:)
She wasn't too happy waking up on the other end, but that was to be expected. She screamed in the recovery room nonstop and refused to take anything. But we weren't surprised - it was filled with bays of other screaming babies! Luckily, our nurse didn't insist that she eat and let us go. She was fine the second her got in the car and fell fast asleep for the car ride home. When we got home, she drained a bottle, ate breakfast and played like nothing had happened.
In her gown and ready to go! |
Sleeping peacefully on the way home:) |
Surgery presents are a must! |
And the paper is still almost as much fun as what's inside:) |
Thanks, Nana and Papa! |
Feeding her new dolly in her new high chair! |
And giving herself a bite, too:) |
Pushing her dolly in the new tricycle and acting like nothing ever happened! |
Of course Andrew couldn't be left out - his "Paige's surgery present":) |
Hiding in the tunnel with his new Sesame Street singing microphone! |
Thanks for all the calls, notes, and emails. It means a lot to know that so many people are thinking of us!
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