Sunday, February 26, 2012

Christmas in February

The kids got lots of new stuff this weekend....because Nana and Papa were in town:)

We have a small area next to our kitchen that has been filled with Pack-n-plays and a rocking chair since the kids were born.  They have now outgrown this and our pack-n-plays were being used as toy boxes.  This weekend, we were on a mission to transform this area into an upstairs playroom so that maybe the kids would be entertained enough that I would actually be able to cook once in a while!

Here is the final product:)
They were so helpful with putting everything together:)
And quickly grew obsessed with sitting at their big kid table.
Paige then used this new space to feel her Dolly.
And then Nana really spoiled her with a new bed for all her babies.
Andrew still enjoyed being upside down the best.
More updates later.  Now its time for bed....before Andrew has us up in a few hours!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day wasn't so great...but the kids still had a good day:)  They looked cute in their matching shirts, ate lots of sugar, got presents, and even made their first art project at daycare!

Our little "heart breaker"
Checking out each other's shirts:)
Paige found their matching shirts hysterical!
And Andrew just loved being in the laundry basket - the only place we could contain them both for a picture!
Their first art project - on the fridge, of course!
Andrew was SO excited about his sugar cookie he was screaming:)
Paige nibbled on hers but would really rather wave to the camera.
Don't worry. Kodi wasn't left out - here was her new toy:)
Andrew's new obsession - his Valentine's Day balloon.  We're still pulling that thing all over the house!
What did Mommy get for Valentine's Day?  Strep throat and bronchitis:(  And poor Grandma (Jack's mom) celebrated her day in the hospital.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers - she has been in the ICU all week and has been through way more than her fair share.  We've got a lot going on right now...and our two adorable kids are what are keeping us all going:)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Poor Sick Babies:(

Both Paige and Andrew had a rough week.  At the beginning of last week, their typical runny nose and cough worsened and they started spiking fevers.  They woke up Monday morning burning up with crimson cheeks and no energy to do anything.  After 48 hours of this with no real improvement, we took them to the pediatrician who diagnosed them both with ear infections and started them on antibiotics.  A couple hours after their first dose, Paige developed a horrible rash that then lasted until the weekend.  The tricky part was figuring out if the rash was an antibiotic reaction or just part of her viral process.  We're pretty sure at this point that she (and probably he) had Roseola.

Our poor, miserable princess:(

Her awful rash.
By the weekend, their personalities were back and they were definitely feeling better.  Of course, this was after they successfully escaped daycare for an entire week!  Thank goodness Nana and Papa were able to come so we didn't burn all of our sick and vacation time at work!  They were great - especially Papa, who took care of the kids alone for the first time.  He was Paige's favorite person by the end of the week and she was constantly asking for "Papa?!"

Right before all of this drama started, we had a fun weekend full of trips to the soft playroom (where we probably caught this!)

At the top of the slide!
We also had a big Sunday brunch with friends.  Mommy's sorority sister, Chris, came down to meet the kids for the first time and stayed overnight.  It was SO good to see her and she spoiled the kids with presents.

Checking out their gifts
Andrew loving his tissue paper:)
Hanging out with Aunt CJ before bed
It really is so good to have them back to themselves. Their personalities are blossoming more and more each day and we are constantly in owe of how amazing they are.  They really do look like toddlers now.  Where did our babies go?!?

Andrew's favorite chair
Paige dancing to the Goodnight song on TV
Andrew now loves to say "Cheeese!" like his sister:)
Our big girl reading her book all by herself (look close, its upside down!):)
Happy almost Valentine's Day!  We'll post pics tomorrow...