Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sleeping Success!

On Thursday night, we moved Paige temporarily out of the nursery and into the guest room. One of the biggest obstacles in pushing Andrew to stay in his bed at night was Paige.  He would scream and if we let him go for long enough, he would wake her up.  Nana bought Paige a really good mattress for the pack-n-play (she spoils them!) and we we moved her out with a plan to let Andrew "cry it out" a bit.  We set strict time limits and Jack and I agreed on a plan so neither of us would cave and give in.  Ironically, on Thursday night, Andrew slept from 7:45pm - 5:30am straight. It's like he just wanted his own room or something! We can't remember him EVER doing that.  But they did get flu shots that day, which could have had something to do with it:) At 5:30, we walked in, laid him back down, told him it wasn't time to get up and after 2 minutes of crying, he went back to sleep until 7:20am! 

Night #2 was last night.  He slept from 8pm until 11:30pm.  We walked in, laid him down, put on his music and after 7 minutes of crying he went back to sleep until 8:00am!!!  I woke up twice in between and went in to check to make sure he was breathing:)  I just couldn't believe it.  I guess he is ready for us to push him!

So the plan is to keep Paige in the guest room for at least the weekend.  If we've had continued success, she'll move back in.  I do feel really bad about Paige having to leave her room - I mean, she is the perfect sleeper! But we figured he really needed to learn in his own bed.  Otherwise, we'd have another transition moving back to his room and she'd have to leave then!  And the pack-n-play doesn't seem to bother her.  She has continued to sleep 11-12 hours straight.

We're crossing our fingers for continued success!  We've gotten so much sleep the last two nights...we could really get used to this:)

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