Saturday, October 30, 2010

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Today was a big day for both of our little ones.  Paige came off her biliblanket and advanced her feeds to 15 mL every three hours.  Our first big feeding goal is to reach 20 mL, as this means we can stop giving her nutrition through her IV.  We are almost there!  Andrew's big accomplishment was coming off his oxygen!  And he even beat his sister in doing this!  This is a huge step for him and also meant that we got to see his cheeks for the first time:)

Andrew is having a little more difficulty with his feeds, although this isn't too surprising.  One of the early complications of being growth restricted is to have slower gut development and motility.  We have been advancing his feeds much more slowly than Paige, but he still isn't quite tolerating the smaller amounts.  His feeds are now stopped completely and will be held until he starts moving things through his system a little better.

Its easy to get down about the minor setbacks, but everyone keeps reminding us that we will keep taking two steps forward and one step back.  So far we have been lucky in that our steps forward have been huge and greatly outnumber our minor setbacks.

Tomorrow we'll spend the morning and evening at the hospital.  The break in between is to make sure Daddy doesn't miss out on the Redskins game!  I must admit that he did skip the game last week though to hang out with the babies -- its amazing how priorities change so quickly:) 

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