The kids had their first week at Nana and Papa's two weeks ago WITHOUT Mommy and Daddy! And we all survived:) They had a great time swimming in the pool, going to indoor playgrounds, riding trains and hanging out with their cousin Meghan. While we all had a good week, it was really good to get back to normal last week...
It is amazing how in just a week, they develop so much. When they got home, they seemed so independent and Paige was probably saying 25 new words. It seems like we're in such a rapid phase of development and its so much fun to watch. They constantly make us laugh...even when they are being bad and we shouldn't! Paige has been our recent handful (although they switch roles on us frequently) and is quite outspoken. Today, she was being especially difficult and I said "is someone being a brat." She responded, "Yes. Andrew." Poor Andrew gets blamed for everything right now. Even when he's not even around! And Andrew's recent obsession is Kodi. Kodi gets chased everywhere and gets lots of "hugs," which means he buries his head in her fur. She has been a great sport so far. I think she feels like the torture is worth it for all the extra food she receives...
We've had a great weekend so far and spent a couple hours at the Tot Park in Old Town this morning and then went for the first time to the Playseum downtown this afternoon. The Playseum is an old house that has 18 rooms each themed with mock set-ups. They had a grocery store, police station and jail, farm room, doll and dress up rooms, Dominos pizza shop, pet store, lots of craft rooms, kitchens, and more. They had a blast!
Paige insisted on bringing her purse to the park. And then she posed for a pic before leaving. We are going to have our hands full! |
Crashing cars at the Tot Lot |
Grocery shopping at the Playseum |
Working in the kitchen. |
Taking orders at Dominos |
Verifying with the kitchen |
Playing house |
Checking out the bunny in the Pet Store. Paige cried leaving her. |
Once we found the pink room, Paige refused to move for 30 minutes. |
Dress up in the Pink Room. Paige was in heaven. |
Cheeeese! In the farm room. |
Working hard in the fields. |
They wore us out today. We're just hoping that all activity may get us an extra 30 minutes of sleep in the morning!