Andrew went to the nutritionist last week which was only slightly helpful. We have already been doing almost everything she suggested. The only new thought was to put him on a soy version of Pediasure. This is a bulked up drink that is 30 calories/ounce as opposed to regular soy milk which is about 18 calories/ounce. The drink is hard to find though and has to be special ordered - wonderful! We also went back to the pediatrician for our official measurements. We continue to be frustrated with lack of progress... He has not grown. Period. Weight or height (in fact he was down a couple ounces) since the early fall. For the first time, I think our pediatrician is really starting to acknowledge that we may be missing something. We talked about referrals to both endocrine and genetics. We are going back July 6th for one more measurement before seeking opinions from those departments though. The endocrinologists wouldn't see us before for "poor weight gain" but will see us for "short stature." And he has completely fallen off his curve for height now...
On a brighter note, we went to Nana and Papa's house for our first summer beach trip! The kids had a blast and we all thoroughly enjoyed getting away for a couple days! They have had a huge amount of work done in their yard including putting in a huge pool, an outdoor kitchen and a ton of serious landscaping. We hadn't been down since Thanksgiving so it was fun to see the progress and enjoy all these new awesome things!
The kids loved the pool and Andrew seemed to have the most fun with Papa spraying him with the hose:) The beach was not so successful. Andrew was pretty adventerous but Paige was not a huge fan. She was fine as long as she wasn't close to the water or being held:)
Our fashionista poolside:) |
Andrew ready to swim! |
Cocktail hour in the pool:) |
Getting sprayed by Papa! |
Daddy taking up all the space in the baby pool! |
Beach time with Mommy! |
Getting their workout in! |
Best friends...for the moment! |
Far from the water and happy as a clam:) |
Loving their new chairs! |
At the park with Aunt Ashley and Aunt Rachel who came to see us! |
Whoa! As Paige would say. |
Singing with Elmo - love this picture:) |
Watch our Paige, Andrew is driving! (Thanks, Dave and Meghan for our giftcard to Monkey Joe's!) |
Thanks, Nana and Papa, for a great long weekend!
There are loads more pictures in the Picasa album - check them out!