So we've had a rather stressful week with Andrew. On Tuesday, Jack stayed home with the kids (Nana was at the beach), and noticed that Andrew seemed to be favoring his right leg. When I got home from work that night, I manipulated the leg pretty aggressively and could not reproduce any discomfort. We chalked it up to a cramp and moved on. On Wednesday, my mom had the kids again and she mentioned to me that Andrew's right leg seemed to be hurting (independent of Jack's observation). I again got home and could not get him to show any sign that it hurt. When he was crying and retracting his leg on Thursday, I called his physical therapist and she came right over to see him (have I mentioned that she is fabulous?!?). She thoroughly examined him and could not find anything wrong. Clearly, the pain was intermittent and he was still having no problem crawling, standing, or moving around. We decided to just keep an eye on things.
Friday morning, Andrew woke up hysterical, wouldn't straighten his leg and didn't want anyone to touch it. Jack took him in the pediatrician and she sent him over to Children's to get some xrays. She felt the pain seemed to be either with his calf or ankle. We also ordered belly films, as we were wondering if he was retracting his leg to protect his abdomen. I spoke with Dr. Arnold on the phone for a bit and we discussed the fact that Andrew has not been himself in about a month. He has not been able to sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time (cries out with eyes closed and seems uncomfortable), has been incredibly cranky and rarely has happy periods, and his eating has dropped quite a bit. The kid will rarely eat anything off a spoon and eats about 1/3 of other solids we give him. We have been attributed most of his issues to reflux. Then his recent cold. But are we missing something bigger?
Xrays on Friday were negative. We've been watching all weekend to see if we could find patterns and figure out what was going on. We have figured out that it is right ankle that is bothering him. Sometimes its bad and sometimes its not. We can't figure out what the triggers are. His personality has returned for brief periods this weekend, but his happy moments are definitely limited. After playing for a few minutes, he climbs into your lap and starts to cry. There's got to be something going on, but what is it?
It is incredibly frustrating to see him so unhappy and in pain. We are just hopeful that we either figure it out or it goes away as quickly as it appeared. The pediatrician mentioned the possibly of a bone scan this week. We aren't sure that we are there yet (as its a much bigger test), but we'll call her office tomorrow and talk about what our next step will be.
On a happier note, here are a couple cute pics from today - you can see our happy guy in these:)
Sunday with Daddy! |
Waiting for the game to start |
Quite the duo:) |
Hail to the Redskins! |