Not too much to report. Life remains crazy but we are enjoying our little ones more and more each day as their personalities are really beginning to develop. Paige laughs out loud ALL the time:) She finds everything hysterical and is constantly smiling, screaming and giggling. Andrew is into EVERYTHING! He is on all fours, rocking, and ready to crawl very soon. Our PT who came last week predicted he'd be mobile by the time she comes back next week. God help us all! Mom and Dad have some major baby proofing to get done this weekend!
Last Friday was Daddy's birthday and we had lots of fun last weekend. Friday, we celebrated with our family and had takeout with the kids, cake and opened presents. Saturday, we went to the Old Town Farmer's Market in the morning and ended up having breakfast in one of the bagel shops.
Enjoying our first ever bagels! |
Hangin' with Daddy in the bagel shop |
Saturday night, we went out with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate sans kids. Andrew's Godmother, Katie, and her fiance Steve offered to come babysit. It was SO nice of them and really made our night out comfortable and easy since they know the kids so well!
This week we had a gastrointestinal clinic doctor's appt at Children's to discuss their constipation. As preemies with delayed meconium passage (first stool) and difficulty stooling, they are at risk for a couple of GI diseases. We wanted a formal consult to see if we needed a workup for any of those and to get some advice on managing their stooling patterns. Good news is that their exams were unremarkable and our problems aren't severe enough to warrant any invasive testing. We will continue on two medications to help with stooling and now have an action plan for when things begin to "back up." Really, most of their constipation can be related to their decreased muscle tone as preemies (especially Paige) and will take time to improve.
Our physical therapist came last week again and was pleased with Paige's progress. They are both sitting beautifully and Paige may even be more stable than Andrew at this point!
Sitting and playing nicely together! |
And having quite the conversation in Andrew's crib! |
We do still need to work a lot on Paige's muscle tone and strength, especially in her legs, which she does not like to put any weight on. She also will not prop up on her arms much when on her belly. I'm hoping that Andrew's crawling will motivate her to want to be active, too! But have you noticed from her pictures that her tongue protrusion is basically gone?!?!? I think she's just too busy smiling all the time for her tongue to be out!
Always our happy girl:) |
Janice (our PT) will come again next week to work with just Paige. We also have our 9 month pediatrician check-up next Friday. Can you believe they are almost 9 months old?!?!